
  Hanau, Germany / 1998
  Lives and works in Offenbach am Main
  +49 15756893699

  ︎︎︎ luis.sulzmann@t-online.de
  ︎︎︎ Instagram
  ︎︎︎ CV

03 REQUIEM 2022
DOC 234—34/2

DEUS:   088/26812—81
REX-13: 978-0882681/283

The work "Bullets for Breakfast" offers a poignant reflection on the complex dynamics and emotions associated with legal gun ownership in America. Inspired by a rare phenomenon of two bullets colliding within the barrel of a pistol, this work engages deeply with the fascination and risks of firearm ownership.

The installation features shattered gun bodies that vividly illustrate the destructive force of such "Catastrophic Events." Utilizing photographs and narratives sourced from the internet depicting shattered rifles, transferred onto analog prints on steel, the work delves into the emotional entanglements between weapon and owner.

The aim of this work is to explore America's deeply rooted attachment to pistols and rifles, inevitably sparking a discussion about human nature and the intricate relationships that shape our society, particularly in the American context.

silver gelatine emulsion on steel, wood. porcellain bowls, silver gelatine prints behind acryl
varied dimensions