
  Hanau, Germany / 1998
  Lives and works in Offenbach am Main
  +49 15756893699

  ︎︎︎ luis.sulzmann@t-online.de
  ︎︎︎ Instagram
  ︎︎︎ CV

Luis Maria Sulzmann
Hanau, Germany / 1998
Lives and works in Offenbach am Main

2019 Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main
2023 Athens School of Fine Arts

Luis Sulzmann's artistic practice is rooted in his interest in atmospherically charged architecture and spaces. With a strong sense of perception and observation, he seeks to capture atmospheric phenomena in urban contexts through the mediums of photography and installation. Inspired by the writings of Gernot Böhme, Sulzmann explores the intentional creation of sensual environments. Factors such as light, sound, spatial geometry and strategically placed objects play a key role in creating the desired climate. In his installations, large-format prints, which are attached to the wall with the help of specially designed frames meet arrangements of everyday objects and ready-mades. His photographs serve as visual manifestations of his perceptions and emotions, capturing moments from his life and the world around him. Sulzmann's artistic journey involves the intense manipulation of photographic prints. Using a mixture of extreme conditions, from boiling water to chemical treatments, followed by digital re-imaging and editing, he imbues each image with layers of depth and texture. The resulting photographs bear the marks of his interventions, from subtle dust particles to fingerprints, giving them a distinctive character. At the same time, Sulzmann removes details from his subjects, allowing them to release their inherent atmospheric power and reflect his inner self.

-Emily Pretzsch-

2021 Spedition in the Parkside Studios, Offenbach am Main Exhibition organised by students, aided by die Johannes Mosbach Stiftung, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
2022 show at Zollamt-gallery curated by Julia Eichler
2022 Spedition, Hanauer Kunstverein
2023 I cant do the thumbs, Magma Maria, Offenbach curated by Mike Bouchet and Christian Jankowski
2023 Ein Haufen Holz, Museum der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach
2024 part of the Groupexhibition „BEERS“ at Kunst Byens Kro Copenhagen
2024 homemadeblankfiringpistoldisassembled2 got choosen for the Benefizauction at MAK (Museum für angewandte Kunst) Frankfurt Jury: Prof. Yasmil Raymond (Rektorin der Städelschule), Prof. Bernd Kracke (Präsident der HfG), Barbara von Stechow (Galerie von Stechow), Heike Eichhorn (Vorstandsmitglied Freunde des MMK e.V.), Dr. Doris Voll (Lang & Cie.).
2024 “The last thing i saw was a red herring, now I’m stuck in limbo” Dou-Show with Jan Trinkaus at Bok Gallery Offenbach am Main

Awards / Scholarships
2021 Scholarship of Johannes-Mosbach-Stiftung
2023 Scholarship of Studienstiftung des dt. Volkes
2024 Project Grant by HAB Foundation