
  Hanau, Germany / 1998
  Lives and works in Offenbach am Main
  +49 15756893699

  ︎︎︎ luis.sulzmann@t-online.de
  ︎︎︎ Instagram
  ︎︎︎ CV


Luis Maria Sulzmanns and Jan Trinkaus first joint presentation at the BOK Gallery begins with programmatic sentences: “The last thing I saw was a red herring, now I’m stuck in limbo” - "Das letzte, was ich sah, war ein roter Hering, nun stecke ich in der Vorhölle fest." The Dadaist linguistic images are based on American idioms, where the red herring means something like a false lead. Are such leads also meant to be laid in the exhibition? Possibly... The ambiguity of the words is reflected in the works shown, which include mutual cross-references that are not always easy to decipher.

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The work "homemadeblankfiringpistoldisassembled" offers a poignant reflection on the complex dynamics and emotions associated with legal gun ownership in America. Inspired by a rare phenomenon of two bullets colliding within the barrel of a pistol, this work engages deeply with the fascination and risks of firearm ownership.

The installation features shattered gun bodies that vividly illustrate the destructive force of such "Catastrophic Events." Utilizing photographs and narratives sourced from the internet depicting shattered rifles, transferred onto analog prints on steel and wood, the work delves into the emotional entanglements between weapon and owner.

The aim of this work is to explore America's deeply rooted attachment to pistols and rifles, inevitably sparking a discussion about human nature and the intricate relationships that shape our society, particularly in the American context.

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This work is reporting on a very specific space, as it appears countless times in the center of Athens and always enchants me anew. I am talking about the imposing entrance foyers of the apartment blocks in Athens. Rarely has such a simple architectural design been able to captivate me as much as the entrance tunnels made of solid marble, which run towards a staircase also made of marble, which after a few steps is immediately swallowed up by the rest of the building complex and gives no indication of where it leads. Occasionally, the marble tunnels, as I like to call them, are equipped with an elevator whose door is made of either dark wood or steel. Likewise, one can catch glimpses of diverse and magnificent potted plants through the massive glass entrance doors, sometimes paired with a marble statue. In other foyers, again, princely carpet runners in red color can be seen over the steps and massive mirrors on the walls paired with elaborate lamps that flood the foyer with a warm light. It seems all the apartment entrances follow the same principles in different ways, which ultimately construct a homogeneous atmosphere.

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04 PARUSIE 2022

I placed an infrared camera at the end of my hotel bed. As soon as I move in my sleep, its sensors pick it up and it fires an indiscerni- ble flash that lights up the night without me noticing. It‘s one of those unbearable summer nights that don‘t let you sleep in peace. The stand fan swings like the needle of a metronome, giving the night a pulse. Its gusts of wind find their way under the curtains, which fill with air like a sail. I leave the old tube TV on, the program is in a foreign language but I took off my hearing aids, so I can’t hear it anyways. It is this unique hotel room atmosphere that again exerts its influence on my dream. I see myself floating through the streets of a city unknown to me. In the process, I encounter everyday scenes that my subconscious reconstructs in the dream. It may sound strange, but waking up the next morning I feel strongly inspired.

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05 REQUIEM 2022

I visited an orchid museum in the Italian alps last summer. I entered a sector of the building, where I saw numerous types of beautiful butterfly orchids. The many plants were habitat to various butterflies and moth. I was overwhelmed of the beauty and range of colors of these insects. Additionally presented was a doll cabinet with a vast amount of cocoons in various shapes and sizes. I was about to leave the building, when the wings of two, almost decayed moth caught my attention in the green moss. Their color had almost completely faded away, they were infiltrated through holes it was like the moss was slowly swallowing these beautiful creatures, slowly but surely absorbing them. In that actual moment, in that space, I witnessing this whole wonderful cycle of life, something which repeats every day, right in front of my eyes. I thought to myself, maybe there is a human body lying under this moss and all butterflies in this space can live, because of it. Secretly I knew this was not the case, but the imagination of this scenario calmed me, made me smile.

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